Wednesday 27 May 2015

Three little pigs

Walt: Write a news style report. 
two little pigs have had their houses blown over and been ferociously murdered by a wolf. The third brother however has subdued and killed the Wolf inside his house of bricks.

The first two little pigs had built their houses out of straw and sticks. Unfortunately, the houses were so weak that the wolf blew and destroyed their homes and gobbled them up.

The third little pig, a university graduate, had more experience than the other two little pigs. So the third little pig built his house out of bricks  and took him time to make his strong and house. Then the wolf came and huffed and puffed and tried to blow the house down but the third little pig house was too strong for the wolf’s mighty breath. So the big bad wolf tried and climbed on the third little pig’s chimney. But then the  third little pig boiled a hot bowl water and placed it at the bottom of the chimney.But then wolf went down the chimney and then SLASH!!! down went the wolf and died. THE END

Hi mama pig Can I ask you some questions mama pig?

Do you regret kicking your three little pigs out?
Yes, I wish that I could ask them to come back to their Mama because I was Crying on the first day they left.

what about your two losses of the first two little pigs?
Well, I was pretty shocked because I thought they were lying but then When I was walking I saw my two little pigs ripped in little pieces and I started to cry my EYEballs out and I was crying for days .

Thank you mama for Interviewing you We really appreciate it

 Task: This week we've been told to write about writing a news report. This news report is about the three little pigs. This is my report of the three little pigs some people know what this book is. Well here is my news article about the three little pig. Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Maths with our teacher

Walt: Solve multiplication problem.

What we learned was a new strategy about division,.The one thing I learnt was how to use division and multiplication together  also we learnt to round numbers 


Brendon 12 year old.
Interest,Video games,sports,

What is your thoughts about the nepal earthquake?
My thoughts about the nepal earthquake was really sad because I had some friends and family at nepal and also for the people who died in the earthquake.

How has the nepal earthquake affected your life?
The earthquake has affected me because all the the people in nepal are suffering and I will do anything to help the people in nepal and at least fundraised.

Will you help the people in nepal in anyway?
If I could help in anyway I will fundraise and I will try and send some supplies.

For this task we had to make up a person from our book that we read and we had to interview he or she. This task was fun. Hope you liked it



Terry he is 16 years old.
Interest.Sports,rugby,maths and video games

Hey Terry how are your thoughts about the 2011 earthquake?
My thoughts about the Christchurch earthquake was really sad because I had some family at Christchurch and also for the people who died in the earthquake.

What was your reaction to 2011 earthquake?
My reaction to the earthquake I was really sad and was hoping that the people and children are alright.

How has the earthquake affected your life?
The earthquake has affected me because all the the people in Christchurch are suffering and I will do anything to help the people in Christchurch.

For this task we had to make up a person from our book that we read and we had to interview he or she. This task was fun. Hope you liked it


Monday 25 May 2015

Walt: write a detailed introduction with hook and orientation.

Have you ever seen your teachers in a video-game before ? Well today our whole school got together and we all had an immersion assembly. The cool thing about an immersion assembly is that all the Teams always have a drama to perform and the teachers provide food and it’s a fun and exciting time.

Monday 11 May 2015

Maths problem solving

WALT: solve multiplication problems with 1 multiplier

For this task we had to 2 question to answer. And when we have figured out the answer we had to show how we got the answer.

Maths Teacher Lesson

Walt: Solve multiplication problem.

What we learned was a new strategy about multiplication,.The one thing I learnt was how to jump with the big number

Friday 1 May 2015

Mr Wiseman

Mr Wiseman new born baby 
Byline:Thursday 1 of may 2015.

Last week a senior teacher from Pt England School named Mr Wiseman was blessed with a little baby. Her name was Ailah but room 6 literacy class is not sure on the spelling. Mr Wiseman has been gone ever since Aliah was born and all of the staff and Pt England Student are all wishing Mr Wiseman the best   

Today we had to write a report about Mr Wiseman New born baby named Aliah. We had to write 3 sentence with detail and we had to use a photo of Mr Wiseman.